Semekom readers..!salam perkenalan kepade sesape yang first time terjah my belog. Oh ya nama kite shah. x yah nk berkite2 sangat lah kan? sebenanye tade pape yang menarik pon pasal belog nih. follower pon ta ramai. Almaklumlah, kite ta pandai nak karang2 ayat macam blogger2 lain yang power-power tu. kite malas sebenanye nk mengarang nih. bukan kerjaya tetap lah katakan.
Ah, membebel x sesudah kite ni kan? back to the point, ceh nk cakap omputeh pulak kite ni, beselah budak tesl tapi langsung x macam tesl kn3? hissh mengundang lagi dah..dah..dah kite da setat nak mengarang nih. Entry kite kali nih pasal duet! sape lah ta suke duit kan? ce angkat kaki sape ta suka duet? haha mengundang!
Nak dijadikan cite minggu lepas kite hade dapat duet loan mara hade lah dalam 3k macam tuh. But then, tau lah duet tu x bape banyak bagi korang..bagi kite yang papekedana nih, da heaven dah. Pastu bile orang da tau kite hade duet banyak, mula lah hade orang yang gatai2 tu nak rapat dengan kite kan? Jangan sentap ok kepade sesape yang terasa tuh! Kite bukang nak tuduh sesape. Kite just nk bgtau je biaq die sedaq sikit! aiyooo..tekeluaq utagha pulak.Hahaha
Before kite papakedana, tade pulak orang nak rapat nk bantu kite. Hade? non-hado kang? sekarang sorang mai, tegur..hai okb. Sape yang ta sentap kan? Pastu mula lah nak usha2 nk suh belanje lah, nak pinjam duet lah hape lah, bukan ta nak bagi. Tapi dia macam x elok lah kan. Kite pon ade commitment kite sendiri dengan duit kite tu.Hmmmm baik ta de duit lah daripade hade duit nih, orang pon ta kacau kite, ta usha2 kite. ta gitu?
Ok lah, dah banyak sangat kite mencarut kat sini. Dah lah hari nih hari jumaat 11.11.11 kan da banyak buad dosa tu. and nantilah kalau hade isu-isu mengundang kite cite lain pulak k...bye and salam jumaat wat sume.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
IKLAN: Spritzer Mini Dispenser
In today’s increasingly hectic and ever-revolving world, staying healthy and hydrated is always important as a mean to keep you going. With our fast-paced lifestyle today, we may oversee such important little details in life…water!
Spritzer, everyone’s favorite choice, introduces the all-new personal mineral water MINI DISPENSER. Fret not of having to worry about your daily water intake as the MINI DISPENSER will always be wherever you are, whenever you want. With its miniature frame and unique design, it’s destined to be your new best friend and the envy of many. So, stay cool, trendy and hydrated all the time. The MINI DISPENSER, innovation through practical ease customized just for you! Join us today to the freshly hip & healthy lifestyle revolution!
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Happy Deepavali 2011
Well hello geguys, i would like to wish all of Indian(hindu) people in this world happy deepavali..!
Click the LINK below to watch video about deepavali celebration..
What does it take to create a better life? The willingness to assist,teach,learn? #PetronasDeepavali (please click this link) (please click this link)
Friday, October 21, 2011
Assalam readers..! long time i didn't update my blog because of busy with my last project tittled 'assignment'..! i know you guys know what course i'm taking which is tesl..(not a bombastic course i guess)
So, what's the word that pop up in my mind today is bullshit..!!!!
What you know about bullshit? is it the bad word that we use to mad at people? It is exactly not!
Based on wikipedia, bullshit can be defined as commonly used to describe statements made by people more concerned with the response of the audience than in truth and accuracy, such as goal-oriented statements made in the field of politics or advertising.
Although it is nonsense word that we stretch out, but it always being used by people in this generation which is teenagers.
In my opinion, the terms word of bullshit is just a simple word that we always use to play with our friends and sometimes we use it but there is no meaning at all towards that word..!
technology nowadays...bullshit button!!
Saturday, September 17, 2011
::Interview Ukur Bangunan 17 sept 2011::
Salam readers, smlm aku ada pergi UITM shah alam utk temuduga course diploma ukur bangunan.
perghh..ramai giler yg datang. Tapi yg dtg temuduga utk course aku tu dlm 11 org je.
Nak di panjangkn cerita, aku bangun pagi dlm kol 5.30 n settle sume mandi. Then gelabah pnye pasal pagi smlm aku solat subuh dua kali..haha, sengal kn. Lepas siap sume aku terus lah berangkat dgn membe aku nama hibri naik lrt cahaya then turun masjid jamek tukar tren. Pastu smpi lh kt kl sentral.Bkn main lama lagi aku tunggu ktm nk pegi...dlm ktm pulak de sekeluarga bsr indon, ceria giler diorang dlm tren ckp je x henti2.
Smpi kt ktm padang jawa, aku n hibri naik lah teksi. Bab yg aku suka masa masuk uitm tu lah. Teksi pon bole sesat dlm tu semata2 nk cari fakulti seni bina perancangan dan ukur kot. Dah la smpi sana pon da lewat. Nasib sume org bru smpi, so, aku x lewat lh ni..! 8 hinggit jugak lah aku kne tambang teksi tu.
First thing aku kene masuk ujian melukis, so kitorang dibawa msuk dlm dewan kuliah besar giler kott..!
besarlh dari kptm tu..! Dia bg masa 1 jam nk lukis objek yg dia bg. Senang je..! mngikut observation aku lah, ramai yg x pandai nk buad shading kt lukisan diorang, n garisan pon x betul. mean diorang main lukis je garisan tebal ke x tebal.
Ni masa ujian melukis da nak abis masaa.!!
Lepas siap je ujian lukisan, kne temuduga pulak, sume pakat gelabah. Turn aku no 11 so x lah gelabah sgt.
Masa turn aku tu, dia suh letak sume fail2 atas meja, then dia check one by one.
Mse dia tgh check tu dia suruh brief sal diri dlm bhasa inggeris, so, aku ckp je lh biaq p la grammar aku brterabur.Then diorang de trnmpak result sem 1 n 2 aku kat kolej kptm.omg..!!kantoii
Diorang ckp if aku ni masih student, pihak uitm x bole nk ambk, then diorang ckp ag, possibility aku nk dpt course tu da ada sbb, result spm aq ok kot...jgn nk bangga k..heh!
so, diorang nak dulu surat berenti kolej n suh dtg pulak hari selasa nih...
padahal aku blom ag berenti kptm..x pe lah x jd lah kot aku g ari selasa nih..
at least ad jugak pngalaman pegi temuduga..!
Thursday, September 8, 2011
::Final project sem 3::
Assalamualaikum and good evening readers...heh! i don't think people like to read and explore my blog bcoz aku ni bukannya blogger hebat yang macam kat luar sana tu..!
Fuyooo..tngok je kt tittle entry aku..hehe macam la buad project urban planning yg project nya berbillion2 ringgit, dollar kot. But, actually x la hebat macam tu. Aku budak tesl yg bru blajo jer bru je masok sem 3.
For this time, aku memang rasa beban sangat dgn subject sociolinguistic..! Tau x ape tu sociolinguistic..?? ckp je la x tau..! socio sal kte study how language effects the, maksudnya kitorang perlu blajar budaya, bahasa (accent) trmasuklh language shift, migrant minorities n byk ag..!
So, final project shah kali ni, sal 'migrant minorities' tapi lebih kpd language shift, sebab kitorang nk kaji n buad statistic skali..heh nmpk senang tapi susah kot...
Tau x language shift tu hape..? not right! Language shift tu contoh la. Someone from Malaysia, go to other country and working on that country, then, after 10 years bahasa melayu dia lost..! Everything bout bahasa melayu langsung x de. Dia just tau bahasa inggeris, tu lh maksud language shift.
Ape yg shah tunggu skunk ni sal micro teaching and buad observation kat skolah2 kat area2 KL nih..micro teaching. Tau x micro teaching tu hape..? Kne mngajar la jd teacher skejap..excited giler shah takut still ada..! yg observation kat skolah tu kitorang kene buad report and observe mcmne sorang cikgu bahasa inggeris tu mengajar..tu je.
Ok lah kengkawan n to all readers..just this i want to share with you guys.bubbye..!(^^)
Fuyooo..tngok je kt tittle entry aku..hehe macam la buad project urban planning yg project nya berbillion2 ringgit, dollar kot. But, actually x la hebat macam tu. Aku budak tesl yg bru blajo jer bru je masok sem 3.
For this time, aku memang rasa beban sangat dgn subject sociolinguistic..! Tau x ape tu sociolinguistic..?? ckp je la x tau..! socio sal kte study how language effects the, maksudnya kitorang perlu blajar budaya, bahasa (accent) trmasuklh language shift, migrant minorities n byk ag..!
So, final project shah kali ni, sal 'migrant minorities' tapi lebih kpd language shift, sebab kitorang nk kaji n buad statistic skali..heh nmpk senang tapi susah kot...
Tau x language shift tu hape..? not right! Language shift tu contoh la. Someone from Malaysia, go to other country and working on that country, then, after 10 years bahasa melayu dia lost..! Everything bout bahasa melayu langsung x de. Dia just tau bahasa inggeris, tu lh maksud language shift.
ni buku sociolinguistic kitorang..kne khatam satu buku okay..!
Ape yg shah tunggu skunk ni sal micro teaching and buad observation kat skolah2 kat area2 KL nih..micro teaching. Tau x micro teaching tu hape..? Kne mngajar la jd teacher skejap..excited giler shah takut still ada..! yg observation kat skolah tu kitorang kene buad report and observe mcmne sorang cikgu bahasa inggeris tu mengajar..tu je.
nk kene buad macam ni lah nanti hujung sem nih!
Ok lah kengkawan n to all readers..just this i want to share with you guys.bubbye..!(^^)
Friday, September 2, 2011
::Selamat Hari Raya dari kami Keluarga Ramlah::
Assalamualaikum w.t.b. friends or kawan. Taulah aku ambik TESL x kn sumenye nk kne speaking, x payah nk speaking sgt lh aku bukannye gheti nok kecek oram puteh pom..hehe maghi doh hok alik klate ye!
Tu baru shah cakap kelantan. Siam, French x kuar ag. Hah, x payah lah nk cakap sal bahasa ari ni, shah bukannya buka pusat bahasa pown!
Ha, kengkawan sume, macamne raya taon nih? Best x? Raya shah taon ni x berapa besh lah, i'm not sure whether something wrong with me or anything else. Takpe lah cik jah oii..yg penting puasa dah lepas n lepas ni insyaallah nak buad puasa 6 pulak.
Ape yg x beshnye raye taon ni..first skali shah x beli baju raya, second x sempat nak buad kueh raya, sibuk dgn class n assignments n third menu pagi raya pown hentam gne resipi yg pop up in my minds je. Nasi serai..!
Walaupapepon, quite ok jugak lah raya taon nih buad shah! X kesah pown sebenarnye, asalkn sume gembire dah lah kn?
Tu baru shah cakap kelantan. Siam, French x kuar ag. Hah, x payah lah nk cakap sal bahasa ari ni, shah bukannya buka pusat bahasa pown!
Ha, kengkawan sume, macamne raya taon nih? Best x? Raya shah taon ni x berapa besh lah, i'm not sure whether something wrong with me or anything else. Takpe lah cik jah oii..yg penting puasa dah lepas n lepas ni insyaallah nak buad puasa 6 pulak.
Ape yg x beshnye raye taon ni..first skali shah x beli baju raya, second x sempat nak buad kueh raya, sibuk dgn class n assignments n third menu pagi raya pown hentam gne resipi yg pop up in my minds je. Nasi serai..!
Walaupapepon, quite ok jugak lah raya taon nih buad shah! X kesah pown sebenarnye, asalkn sume gembire dah lah kn?
Ni adik shah, nadia dgn ina. Seronok diorang beraya sakan. Duit raya pown dpt banyak. Shah? satusen pown tarak.
Yang ni pulak gamba lepas smayang raya. Kat umah nenek sebelah je dgn surau. Liat jugak sume family nk suh ambik gmba. x dpt jugak lah nk ambk gmba whole family shah. Tu lah, org suh masuk x nk! Malu lh apa lah. Serve you right la kan..!
Yang ni pulak, family belah mak shah. Liat jugak nak bgamba, ni pown ambk secara curi2 tp trperasan pulak. Hhaha, dh macam allergic pulak family shah ni kn dgn kamera..!
Ok lah member, ni je yg shah dpt ambk n upload. Malas n x de mood giler time first raya ai tu nk ambk gamba..! Cuz nmpak sume family member mcm x nk participate je time bgamba..nenek shah pown lari masuk bilik time suh posing!
Assalamualaikum, smpi jumpa ag..nntikan entry shah seterusnya ye!
Saturday, August 20, 2011
::murah rezeki aku::
Salam wat sume~ hehe entry shah kali ni sal murah rezeki, haihh mcm tajuk kat atas lah tu..bole plak nk tnya lagi.
Cite sal murah rezeki ni kan semalam, sebelum shah pegi times square, bdak 1 course dgn shah bagi present, ingt kan nak bagi ape tah. Tetibe dia bagi bungkusan. Then shah bukak, wah ade tie dalamnye..alain delon pulak tu, tak kesah lah mahal ke tak kan, janji orang nak bagi.
Pastu shah terus pegi TS jumpa family kt sana. Then kat sana pon shah dapat something yg shah x penah mimpi pon nak dapat, ape bende ek...??Haha shah dapat ipod shuffle, eleh murah je kot..!! Haihh x baek ckp macam tu. Dah rezeki kan, sambar jelah. dia present yg shah dapat..! Alhamdulillah
Hehe, tu je lah yang shah nak cite kot, bkn bermakna shah bongkak n nak tunjuk2 ok. Shah tau yang korang punya gadjet lagi power2 betol x..?
ok lah sampai disini sahaja ari ni ek...jap ag shah nak kuar shopping dgn membe2..huhu
p/s: bersyukur lah dgn apa yg kita dpt.
Friday, August 19, 2011
::kerlass kau lijah::
Salam readers, alhamdulillah ari ni da masuk ari ke 20 kita puasa...So, mcm mana ada org da tinggal puasa x? Ari ni shah x de cite best2 pon nk kongsi.
Tapi tajuk bkn main lagi kn? kerlass kau lijah bkn kerlass kau maria..hehe Ini sememangnya tiada kene mengena antara yg idup atau pun yg mati.
Semalam ari aku paling worst lah kot, seriously letih giler, dah la x sahur pastu dlm rumah bahang panas pulak. Cubaan...Tapi alhamdulillah dpt jugak shah teruskn puasa.
Sini jah ada cite besh nk kongsi, bagi shah korang shah x tahu..
adik: abg tahu x bila perempuan yang x tutup aurat akn mula menutup aurat ?
abg: p haji la dik xpun masa kahwin kan ?
adik: salah,teka la lagi
abg: (berfikir) masa dh dpt hidayah Allah kan ?
adik: salah,nak tahu jawapannya x.senang je
abg: apa dia dik ?
adik: tadi ustzh ckp kt sekolah,perempuan akn menutup auratnya apabila dia dikafankan,akn tutup buat selamanya
abg: (hebat kata2 ustazah yang mendalam mksdnya)
abg: p haji la dik xpun masa kahwin kan ?
adik: salah,teka la lagi
abg: (berfikir) masa dh dpt hidayah Allah kan ?
adik: salah,nak tahu jawapannya x.senang je
abg: apa dia dik ?
adik: tadi ustzh ckp kt sekolah,perempuan akn menutup auratnya apabila dia dikafankan,akn tutup buat selamanya
abg: (hebat kata2 ustazah yang mendalam mksdnya)
kerlass kau lijah..haha perghhh mendalam maksud dia.
Tapi kn de jugak benar dialog diatas, bkn utk bikin status mngundang atau apa, just sekadar peringatan je untuk diri sendiri dan org lain..tu je
Thursday, August 18, 2011
::special entry for those who are inspire me::
Assalam readers, today shah nk ckp sal something yg special punya..Apa yg specialnye..?? ada lah, shah just nk dedicate entry ni utk abg aku and kakak2 aku...
Tapi kenape ek? ishh..u cannot see ke tajuk kat atas tu pe bende? Haha gurau je pepagi ni. Ari ni dh ari yg ke 19 kita puasa. Brape ari ag nk raya? 11 ari ag kan....
Raya-raya jugak tapi jgn lah nak boros sgt shopping raya nanti. Shah gne baju raya taon lepas je. Save budget lah katakan.
Cakap sal boros ni, i've remember someone that full with kindhearted nye~ Although i never meet him..
who's that person..??
ha..inilah orangnya, adams..!
Baik kot, selalu buad charity activity. Jealous pulak aku nk buad charity sendiri. Tapi x pe, nnti aku dh keje, insyaallah ada lah pusat kebajikan aku sendiri nanti. Doa2kn lh ye teman2.
oh ya cakap sal duit, sume org x de duit. Dunia mana x perlukan duit? Susah jugak kalo x de duit kan..??
Ok..! org kedua aku nk tujukan ialah..
orait readers, ni kakak aku dari indon ok, cantik x? mstilah cantik kan...
kakak aku yg ni pon slalu motivate aku dgn bende2 yg bagos, insaf sekejap aku.
sekejap je lah, tengok ayat mengundang lagi..!Hahaha.
Ok, and this is the third person who inspire me...she help me a lot in french language! Emily luis. From french and still study at university on last year. If i speak in Malay confirm she will not understand me..hehe
sorry Emily, maybe u not understand this entry, but know it i write all the best to my inspiring people..! love u as my sister, hope u can be my foster sister too...
ok lah reader..masa pon da x byk..i've go to the college now..! and this evening i will write new entry.
ok lah, assalamualaikum n bye..!
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
~Mak Hayam mana Pulak Nie~
sAlam guys, ahhhh..hari ni da masuk puase yang 17 kn? Aku ni memang langsung tak lah kan nak menghafal atau ingat ari yang keberapa dah. Seriously aku kangen dengan kawan-kawan lama aku..!
Bole bah kalau kau...!
Entry kali ni aku just nak meraban je sebenarnye, tengoklah tajuk pebende kat atas tu..haha
Mak Hayam? Mak ayam ke ape ni? jgn silap paham pulak, mak hayam tu sebonarnye refer kat member2 aku jer...haihhh
Ape ko ingat aku ni bapak segala ayam ke?
mampu? jgn nk mngundang sgt lah kan..
Okay jom kte bkenalan dgn mak hayam yg aku kenal nih...hihi
Kita lihat siapa yang kena!
oke..! org first yg jd mak hayam, cik teha a.k.a. ieman. lah mak hayam aku masa kat UTM dulu. rindu giler2 dgn diorang sume. Mak hayam ni genius tau bab2 perancangan bndr..hebat!
Ha..! ni mak hayam kedua aku kenal, abg fiez. Stu negori lah katakan..! baru nk minat korea..mngundang kan..?dia pn salah sorang senior aku yang genius gak, da praktikal da skunk..gud2
Mak hayam seterusnya..! Ain, dia pun murtad dari UTM..sama macam aku..! Xpe lah dah rezeki masing2 kn, yg penting dia dh berbunya. So, x de sape2 bole usik dia ok..!
Ok lah, kpd mak2 hayam yang lain yg x de dlm ni, bkn brmakne aku x sayang korang. Aku syg sume kengkawan aku, kwn aku ada 1000 mati lah nk tulis sume dlm ni..haha
Yg sure time aku tulis entry ni..aku mnangis kot ingt kt sume membe2 lama..hmm x pe lah, people changed! asal pulak tetibe people changed? ayat mengundang lagi nih...!
Ok lah, aku x nk meraban byk sgt time bulan puasa nih, kirang pulak pahala puasa nanti...
ok, assalam n see u next time..!
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Super Junior Mr. Simple
Super Junior’s “Mr. Simple” Teasers Exceed 1 Million Views
It has been a day since Super Junior released their latest teaser video for the album “Mr. Simple”. In this brief time period both teasers have exceeded 1,000,000 views.The title track off of Super Junior’s just released fifth album is “Mr. Simple”. There are two teasers that were revealed a day ago for the song through SM Entertainment’s YouTube channel. The first is a brief 52 seconds long and already has 564,571 views. While the second teaser, also a little over a day old, has an impressive 1,048,999 views under its belt (at the time of this article) as it too continues to rise in anticipation of the actual release. Further demonstrating the power and potential of the title track.
The key point of the song is the ‘world-wide chic’ vibe. With their previous number-one hits “Sorry Sorry” and “Bonamana” made it easy to follow the music. In those songs the main focus was on the hook, this time around “Mr. Simple” is a more sophisticated and funky dance track.
An SM Entertainment agency official had this to say regarding the track, “The song release in South Korea is also being introduced almost simultaneously worldwide, as the emphasis for being a world-wide idol has been put into play.” He continued, “It has a stronger feeling that will make you feel more bright and stylish.”
Fans can expect the regular fifth album to be released on Wednesday. Super Junior’s live performance is scheduled for this Friday, August 5th on KBS’ “Music Bank” officially kicking off their comeback promotions.
Source: OSEN | Soompi
Posted by: PhungELF (www.sup3rjunior.wordpress. com )
It has been a day since Super Junior released their latest teaser video for the album “Mr. Simple”. In this brief time period both teasers have exceeded 1,000,000 views.The title track off of Super Junior’s just released fifth album is “Mr. Simple”. There are two teasers that were revealed a day ago for the song through SM Entertainment’s YouTube channel. The first is a brief 52 seconds long and already has 564,571 views. While the second teaser, also a little over a day old, has an impressive 1,048,999 views under its belt (at the time of this article) as it too continues to rise in anticipation of the actual release. Further demonstrating the power and potential of the title track.
The key point of the song is the ‘world-wide chic’ vibe. With their previous number-one hits “Sorry Sorry” and “Bonamana” made it easy to follow the music. In those songs the main focus was on the hook, this time around “Mr. Simple” is a more sophisticated and funky dance track.
An SM Entertainment agency official had this to say regarding the track, “The song release in South Korea is also being introduced almost simultaneously worldwide, as the emphasis for being a world-wide idol has been put into play.” He continued, “It has a stronger feeling that will make you feel more bright and stylish.”
Fans can expect the regular fifth album to be released on Wednesday. Super Junior’s live performance is scheduled for this Friday, August 5th on KBS’ “Music Bank” officially kicking off their comeback promotions.
Source: OSEN | Soompi
Posted by: PhungELF (www.sup3rjunior.wordpress.
Monday, August 1, 2011
My Ghost Story
Ghosts? What is the purpose of the ghost in every human? Everyone has their own opinion about ghosts. They also have a story or experience about ghosts. I also had terrible experiences that I can share. The story happened when I was 16 years old, I'm still in form four. At that time, nearly 11 pm, I was with my brother out riding bikes. We went out to buy a burger at the burger stall near our house. Burger stall is located about one kilometer from our house. After five minutes I was riding a motorcycle, we arrive at the burger stall, but we are very disappointed because the store was closing.
Later, my sister is crying for not being able to eat hamburgers at night. I tried to persuade me to let that precious night out early tomorrow we will go buy a burger at the store, but my brother moaning and weeping with a vengeance. Looking at the situation that cried, I felt very sorry and I take him to the other burger shops. This time I had to find another burger shop, the shop can also be said to be too far away from the burger shop near my house. We had to go through the old cemetery road is said to be very scary by the villagers. Prior to this, some people claim that they see ‘penanggal’ ghost hovering around the cemetery. But, to gladden the heart of my sister, I had to bring myself through the old cemetery road.
While on the old cemetery road, I felt like some things that are looked at me and then my body is shivering suddenly. All feelings of nervousness and fear at the time I ignore. For the hanger right feeling myself, I think it's all just my imagination alone, and I continue to drive my motorcycle to the burger shop. Exactly at 11.30 pm we arrive at the burger shop. We ordered five special chicken burger. After the burgers we ordered was ready done, I'm paying the price of a burger and we get to go home. While driving the motorcycle on road leading to the old cemetery that we went through, all sorts of bad things plays on my mind. But I'm still trying to fight the mind that is playing in my head.
Arrive in the way of the old tombstones, I smell something very scent. I think it might smell the flowers planted in the sides of the check. Suddenly my motorcycle’s engine was stopped. I am feeling very anxious at that time. Place my bike stopped in time to face the old graves. I tried to turn the engine over and over again my bike, but it is not alive. Then, I felt something was passing in front of me, but I tried to calm myself by saying it was just my imagination alone. Next, I took my phone in my pants pocket to make a call to my brother
who was at home for him to come and take us and bring it back home. I had not hit my brother's number, I felt something was passing in front of me.
At that time, my sister cried out loudly. He said that he saw a 'penanggal' ghost flying into the forest. I began to panic at that time, and my heart beat very fast at that time. I tried to calm my brother at that time. Suddenly I noticed was that as there was something flying in the old cemetery graves. To avoid the bad things, my sister and i read some verses of the holy al-Quran. Then, I saw the object flying towards us. At that time, I could clearly see the face of a ghost, it is very ugly and frightening, his eyes red and his mouth as with blood. Seeing the ghost is a very scary, we ran to save ourselves and leave the bike in that area. We ran hard and without looking back.
At that time, my sister cried out loudly. He said that he saw a 'penanggal' ghost flying into the forest. I began to panic at that time, and my heart beat very fast at that time. I tried to calm my brother at that time. Suddenly I noticed was that as there was something flying in the old cemetery graves. To avoid the bad things, my sister and i read some verses of the holy al-Quran. Then, I saw the object flying towards us. At that time, I could clearly see the face of a ghost, it is very ugly and frightening, his eyes red and his mouth as with blood. Seeing the ghost is a very scary, we ran to save ourselves and leave the bike in that area. We ran hard and without looking back.
While running to escape, we see the car was heading towards us. We call the car owner with a vengeance. Our fate is very good because the driver stops the car and he want send us to our home. After arriving home, we tell the events that befell our family. Our family was shocked to hear our story. At night, we desire to enjoy a burger meal but, we can not be reached because the burgers that we purchase are left to at the motor bike .Although unable to eat a burger that night, I am very thankful that we can be saved by someone. Since this incident happened, my brother had no appetite to eat a burger.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
What The Meaning Of Beautiful For You..??
Did the tittle influence you to read? Assalamualaikum readers, hope you guys are in well. Based on my question, most of you guys not interest to read right, because this just a familiar things to us. 'Beautiful', what you guys know bout beautiful. Is it just a things that we can say or spell on our mouth? Based on Wikipedia, beautiful is an adjective used to describe things and possessing beauty. In my opinion, beautiful means a glory of beauty. Why i said that? Because we cannot touch and feel the beautiful, we just can see. Is it behavior includes in beauty? Absolutely YES! Example, kindhearted, helping each other even sharing this also involving the beauty. Beauty of Heart..! Although our face or our body parts is beautiful, but our behave not so beautiful, that's not a part of beauty..!
Is it beautiful or cute..??
This pic of course annoying right? Maybe this person have infected in mental illness...
Haha...anyways, this person are actually Me..!
Remember that beautiful and the related words beauty and beautify are spelled with beau- at the beginning..!!
This is beautiful Muslimah. (tutup aurat ye).!
This is the truly meanings of beautiful.
Before i end this entry, i would like to guys are so beautiful..!! and also kind..because you like to read this..! YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Ramadan, i love you
Assalamualaikum and very good evening readers..Hopefully this day and the next day will give us happiness. This month, i quite busy with a lot of assignment, presentation, and quizzes..! But the best things that will happen in the next month is....Ramadan..! 1 years has gone, but now they come again. In our Muslim religion, we are compulsory to fasting. So, we have to hold our self from eating any food during the day. At night(Maghreb time), then we can break fast. That's was interesting right?
We must be patient in during the day, not in food only, but we have to hold our behavior.
We know that the food in this world can beat our lust. In order to become a pure Muslim and Muslim ah, we have to be strong to beat our lust during the day... Hmm...difficult right..?? Yeah absolutely it's difficult to us, when we saw other non Muslim who are eating in front of us.
Wow..!! What about this guys? isn't delicious right?
So, be patient and behave yourselves..!
Alright, before i end my entry, i would like to encourage you have well organized balance diet during Ramadan. Why? Because if u eat a lot of junk food or fat, it will deteriorate your healthy. So, remember to stay healthy and wealthy during fasting..!
Sunday, July 24, 2011
National Services(PLKN) Rimba Taqwa still in my Memories
Assalamualaikum readers and good night before i end my entry. Now i gonna talk about my previous awesome experience in national services. First of all, before i go to this services, that was absolutely f***, but i was wrong in case that was best national services ever. A lot of memory, experience, friends and joy. We eat together, sleep together, take bath together..I really2 missed that moment. They're all missing in action..huhu. What make me so3 happy n missed at that moment is they called me Shasha..!! euwww..hahaha Btw, never mind. I really2 appreciate that name. At there too, I was known as 'melatah guy'. Errr..?? What was that? Still in confused. At there, i stayed in A6 dorm, was the best and good person who stayed in that dorm. This dorm was the famous one because they're all will go to this dorm, but i don't know why?
Really2 missed this dorm..!! and they're the member of A6 dorm.
Fendi and I. We're going to somewhere else in region of Kedah.
Our best and experiences teacher who're guide us in everything.
Snap a pic time..!! Alpha, Bravo, Charlie and Delta company.
Me, enjoying driving PLKN bus...
(Klau aku mlatah, abis sume org)
So, this all bout my entry in this late night. Next time, i will tell more story and my experience at there.
Lim's Birthday Party
Ola~ Assalamualikum n very good evening you guys. Hope you guys enjoys the weekend and have a great joy and lot of memories..hehe Same goes to me, last Saturday, my friends and i have a great birthday party. that's was awesome and the best birthday party ever. Even though, i never celebrate my birthday, but now i can feel an awesome feelings and the blast and da boom party. Before we start the party, i was very excited to finished the things and set up all of P.A system and others. What i really2 eager is they are all asked me to make the dishes. I've cooked 'Nasi Mentega' and'Ayam masak Lemon'. Wow, actually i might scared that, the tasted was not good. But, my friends, they told that it was awesome and delicious..huhu credit to ME..haha just joking.
Lim's cake. Chocolate Indulgence from Secret Recipe.
All of us was enjoyed the birthday party. Huhu Snap2 time.
Snap a pic at corridor..haha, awesome and nice.!! hope next, my turn will celebrate like this, and insyaallah if i got more 'rezeki'. Who knows.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Sem Break
well hello guys, bulan ni aq holiday, in this semester breaks, i wanna enjoy tahap gila...(lau bole lah) but the thing that always attacked my mind is...about 'mara' loan...dah la cuti, tp byk i gonna pay collage fee..?? give me an idea...please..!! i'm begging u guys..haha don't worry i'm not forcing u guys...just kidding. just let the problem okay...haha happy..3 cuz this is my sem breaks time..speaking of holiday, where would u spent ur time..??for me just stay at home..err x sure lah...haha wherever u go n wherever u are..hope u have a great vacation ok.'mara' is always pop up in my head...just let it be oke..sarcastically, maybe i never get mara loan...
Friday, March 4, 2011
::oppa punye story daa::
assalamualaikum...kwn2ku sekalian...arini tok wan x de la cite besh2 sgt. tok wan oppa just nk bercerita sal movie hantu kak limah balih umah tu..mse kat kolej pon ramai dok sebut2 tag line dia tu...ape tu ek..??
ha...kite bako je..2 haha bile ulang 2/3 kali nk trgelak, sakit perut tok wan oppa...hahaha ape ag satu tag line dia tu...hihihi ce cite...2. adoi, x tahan gelak sampi sakit perut..!! ingtkn cite seram, ropenye cite lucu n klakor giler2. last2 kak limah tu bkn hantu..rupanye org yg sakit mentel jer...hehehe
little bit info bout super junior M
♫ Super Junior - M
- often referred to as SJ-M, is the third official sub-unit of Korean boy band Super Junior.
- Super Junior-M, with "M" representing the word "Mandarin," expressing the subgroup's ambition to become successful in the Chinese music market not limited to only China.
- They are the first international music group in the Chinese music industry to have members of both Chinese and Korean descent, and are also the first group produced by Korea's CT (Culture Technology) organization, created through a comprehensive localization strategy.
- Super Junior-M consists of Super Junior members and Henry, Zhou Mi.
- Super Junior-M debuted in China on April 8, 2008 at the 8th Annual Music Chart Awards and with the release of their first music video, "U" online.
♫ Studio albums :
- 2008: Me
- 2009: Super Girl
♫ Awards :
- Music King Awards : Most Popular New Group
- Southeast Music Awards : Mainland's Most Popular Group
- CCTV-MTV Music Awards : Best Singing Group of the Year
- Starlight Grand Ceremony : Best New Music Group
- 2009 China Digital Music Awards : Most Downloaded Overseas Singer
- 2010 21st Golden Melody Awards ‘best singer award’
U can see pics and more in Part 1 here :
Thursday, February 10, 2011
org da kawin~
hahaha...bile tngok org kawin tetibe je aq jadi sedih pilu n sdikit gembira.
x yau la knape...yg gmbiranye yela cuz org da mndirikn masjid..mmg bagus la kn...
yg sedih tu aq susah nk gmbrkn dgn kata2...haih nak mnangis la jawabnye cuz aq x kawin2 ag
hhahahahaha...ngade2 kn aq nih..blaja x abis2 ag, ade ati nk kawin..
Saturday, January 1, 2011
asian chart
Super Junior, Crowned As King Of Asia! Taking The No.1 Song Of The Year In Thailand :D
- Super Junior became the emperor of Asia.
- Thailand’s popularity music program recently published a popularity song list for the year of 2010. Under the Asia category (,) Super Junior took the 1st position with . conquered the 10th position, (and) took the 13th position, having a whooping of 3 songs under the Top 20 in the popularity list.
- Super Junior first visited Thailand through the “5th Pattaya Music Festival” in 18th September 2006. At that time (,) the airport reached the extent of broken glasses, many fans and reporters were fenced up, (and) their popularity were felt by all. Now that they have debuted for 4 years, they are now (,) the largest popularity Hallyu star in Thailand.
- Not only in Thailand, Super Junior too (,) took the 2nd position with , 8th position with , and 13th position with in the Philippines largest music charts <2010 MYX Hit Chart>. Also, and which swept through the Taiwan popularity music chart KBOX, remained as the 1st position for a total of 29 weeks, gaining an explosive reaction across Asia.
- Super Junior will be holding their in the coming 29th January at the Singapore Indoors Stadium, with their popularity in Asia continuing to be on the rise.
Chinese translation: Natalis @
English translation:~♡ 혁-fied @ SJ-WORLD.NET
- Super Junior became the emperor of Asia.
- Thailand’s popularity music program recently published a popularity song list for the year of 2010. Under the Asia category (,) Super Junior took the 1st position with . conquered the 10th position, (and) took the 13th position, having a whooping of 3 songs under the Top 20 in the popularity list.
- Super Junior first visited Thailand through the “5th Pattaya Music Festival” in 18th September 2006. At that time (,) the airport reached the extent of broken glasses, many fans and reporters were fenced up, (and) their popularity were felt by all. Now that they have debuted for 4 years, they are now (,) the largest popularity Hallyu star in Thailand.
- Not only in Thailand, Super Junior too (,) took the 2nd position with , 8th position with , and 13th position with in the Philippines largest music charts <2010 MYX Hit Chart>. Also, and which swept through the Taiwan popularity music chart KBOX, remained as the 1st position for a total of 29 weeks, gaining an explosive reaction across Asia.
- Super Junior will be holding their in the coming 29th January at the Singapore Indoors Stadium, with their popularity in Asia continuing to be on the rise.
Chinese translation: Natalis @
English translation:~♡ 혁-fied @ SJ-WORLD.NET
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