Thursday, September 8, 2011

::Final project sem 3::

  Assalamualaikum and good evening readers...heh! i don't think people like to read and explore my blog bcoz aku ni bukannya blogger hebat yang macam kat luar sana tu..!

  Fuyooo..tngok je kt tittle entry aku..hehe macam la buad project urban planning yg project nya berbillion2 ringgit, dollar kot. But, actually x la hebat macam tu. Aku budak tesl yg bru blajo jer bru je masok sem 3.

  For this time, aku memang rasa beban sangat dgn subject sociolinguistic..! Tau x ape tu sociolinguistic..?? ckp je la x tau..! socio sal kte study how language effects the, maksudnya kitorang perlu blajar budaya, bahasa (accent) trmasuklh language shift, migrant minorities n byk ag..!
   So, final project shah kali ni, sal 'migrant minorities' tapi lebih kpd language shift, sebab kitorang nk kaji n buad statistic skali..heh nmpk senang tapi susah kot...

  Tau x language shift tu hape..? not right! Language shift tu contoh la. Someone from Malaysia, go to other country and working on that country, then, after 10 years bahasa melayu dia lost..! Everything bout bahasa melayu langsung x de. Dia just tau bahasa inggeris, tu lh maksud language shift.

ni buku sociolinguistic kitorang..kne khatam satu buku okay..!

  Ape yg shah tunggu skunk ni sal micro teaching and buad observation kat skolah2 kat area2 KL nih..micro teaching. Tau x micro teaching tu hape..? Kne mngajar la jd teacher skejap..excited giler shah takut still ada..! yg observation kat skolah tu kitorang kene buad report and observe mcmne sorang cikgu bahasa inggeris tu mengajar..tu je.

nk kene buad macam ni lah nanti hujung sem nih!

Ok lah kengkawan n to all readers..just this i want to share with you guys.bubbye..!(^^)